Gabrielle LaTora, our research professional and lab manager, has accepted a position with the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension in Fulton County! She will be one of two ANR Extension Agents in the county, developing educational programs and assisting residents with questions related to gardening, soil health, pollinators, agriculture, and natural resources.

She will also have the opportunity to work with Atlanta-area agriculture and food justice organizations.

Gabby was able to hone her communication skills in the Srinivasan Lab by sharing information on the blog, creating content for the UGA Department of Entomology Twitter account, and helping to build a website for the Southeastern Whitefly-Virus Research Group–a team of researchers in UGA’s Depts. of Entomology, Horticulture, and Plant Pathology, and folks at Auburn University and Fort Valley State University. During her stay in Srinivasan lab, she also published two research articles as first authors in peer-reviewed journals.

This position will take Gabby closer to home in Atlanta and will engage her passions for sustainable agriculture, local food systems, gardening & homesteading, and communication. She always shared her immense interest towards extension work, and we are glad she will be working in her area of interest.

Members of Srinivasan lab, Entomology Department, and Redding Building gathered to have a potluck lunch with Gabby. It makes us sad to say goodbye to her, but we are happy that she is heading towards her dream job. We wish her the best and know that she will bring entomology to the community!

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