March 2022
Post-doctoral researcher Saioa Legarrea has completed her time in the Srinivasan Lab and has accepted a research position at the University of La Rioja in Logroño, Spain! Saioa is a native of Pamplona, Spain, a city in the Basque region famous for its Running of the Bulls. The province of La Rioja, Spain is famous…
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Post-doctoral researcher Saurabh Gautam will be leaving us soon! Saurabh has accepted a post-doc position in the Texas A&M University Department of Entomology in Amarillo, TX. He will be studying mite-transmitted viruses in wheat crops under the direction of Kiran Gadhave, who is a Srinivasan Lab alumnus himself! Before staying on as a post-doc, Saurabh…
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Introduction Georgia is one of the nation’s top summer squash producers. Unfortunately, insects love the warmth and humidity of the Southeast, and they thrive in Georgia’s squash cropping systems. Insects cause direct injury to squash by feeding on the leaves and fruit, and they can transmit devastating viruses that make fruit unmarketable. If infections are…
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In an effort to document all the insects kept in colonies within the UGA Department of Entomology, Research Professional Jena Johnson offered to take amazing, high-quality images of our insects of study! The Srinivasan Lab studies insect vectors, or insects that transmit viruses to crops and other plants. We work primarily with whiteflies, aphids, and…
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Srinivasan Lab members have published two journal articles in two months—what a way to start off 2022! Gabrielle LaTora, Research Professional and lab manager, headed a pest profile on the tobacco thrips, Frankliniella fusca, and its impacts on peanut production. PhD students Pin-Chu Lai and Yi-Ju Chen, post-doc Saurabh Gautam, and extension entomologist Mark Abney were…
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