Silverleaf whitefly populations have increased in many areas in the last few weeks and will likely continue to increase as we stay above average temperatures. When we start to cool off at night, the population increases should slow down. We have been fortunate that we have not seen population explosions like we had last year.…
We have recently confirmed Cucurbit leaf crumple virus (CuLCrV) on yellow squash at UGA, Tifton, GA. The symptoms include crumpling, curling, yellowing and chlorosis of leaves. Infected plants appear stunted with distorted growth. Disease symptoms can be severe, especially in Cucurbita spp. (e.g., various types of squash), and may result in yield losses. The virus spreads by whiteflies in a persistent manner. Current projections indicate low disease incidence and…
Watermelon vine crash or decline has been reported from number of fields from different counties in southwest GA. Based on the county extension agents’ reports and also from the personal observations made by extension specialists (B. Dutta and T. Coolong), symptoms of vine decline are mostly associated with low-wet spots in the fields. However, we…
Powdery mildew is a common disease of cucurbits under field and greenhouse conditions in most areas of the United States. Although all cucurbits are susceptible, symptoms are less common on cucumber and melon because many commercial cultivars have resistance. This disease can be a major production problem if not manage timely. Podosphaera xanthii and Erysiphe cichoracearum are the two…
Please see the attached extension publication on initial steps for detecting plant-parasitic nematode problems in vegetables (by Dr. Hajihassani) To access, please click on the link: https://siteextension.uga.edu/publications/detail.html?number=C1126
Onion fields infested with root knot nematodes (RKN) were found in the Vidalia area. As can be seen in the picture (Photo: Aubrey Shirley), typical symptoms of RKN on above-ground parts of plants can involve patchy stunting, poor growth and yellowing of leaves. These symptoms are rather similar to nutrient deficiency. Premature wilting of plants can be seen…
The nematology lab at UGA-Tifton reports another incidence of stubby root nematode (SRN) on onion in Tattnall county. The field was highly infested with the SRN and onion plants were severely damaged as can be seen in the figure (Photo: Chris Tyson). The area with severe yellowing and stunting of plants is where the grower…
Problems with seedcorn maggots in transplanted crops are popping up all over south Georgia this Spring. While this is a rare occasion (use of transplants avoids many soil borne insect problems), that makes it no less severe when it occurs. Maggots can kill tender young transplants, but cause minimal injury once the plants become established…
R368-107 Lorsban Advanced Sec 24c GA- Sweet Potato 03April18f 180403