• Here are some important points to consider while managing downy mildew of onion: Question:   “I found some downy in my onions today.  It has been sunny, clear, and low humidity all week long.  I thought downy liked humid, wet, cloudy weather.  Why am I seeing it?” Response:  Yes, you are correct.  Downy mildew development is…

  • We have confirmed Downy Mildew of Vidalia Onion today in the growing region today.  I am urging growers to please take precautions and protect their crop from this disease! Here are your control options, based on the most recent (2018) UGA research data.  I want to provide some options and how I rank them in terms…

  • Catamaran® is a combination fungicide which contains chlorothalonil and potassium phosphite. This product is effective in the control of specified crop diseases and also provides protection through activation of the plants’ natural resistance mechanism. Catamaran® is intended for use as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) system. When used in conjunction with good cultural…

  • Please check out the attached extension publication to learn more about chemical nematicides for use in vegetable crops. To access, please click on the link:   https://secure.caes.uga.edu/extension/publications/files/pdf/B%201502_1.PDF    

  • Damage to the fall vegetable industry caused by Hurricane Michael has thus far been significant for growers in Southwest Georgia.  Damage closely followed the path of the storm, with a line stretching from Seminole and Decatur counties up through Mitchell and Grady, Colquitt, Tift and even reaching fields in the Crisp county region.  Vegetable production…

  • Do you lay fallow your fields during the winter until the following spring? If so, consider planting a suitable cover crop for management of plant-parasitic nematodes during winter months. Winter cover crops are usually grown in fall and begin growing the following spring. Cover crops are a valuable strategy for improving soil health if you realize…

  • Prevention is the best way to control plant-parasitic nematodes in vegetable crops. This summer, we conducted a survey of nematodes in most of the vegetable-growing systems in southern GA. After analyzing the collected samples, data on nematode species and counts were conveyed to growers participated in the survey through county extension agents. We noticed that…

  • Pesticide registration/review is always interesting, if nothing else. The 9th Circuit Court once again as ruled that all Lorsban registrations should be cancelled. This was more over procedural issues than safety, but safety is consistent area of discussion. DOW is working to maintain those labels and for now we still have them. The Department of…

  • I assume most of you know by now that Torac is registered for a variety of insect pests on a variety of crops. Torac is a new mode of action for most insects (it is the same as some acaricides) and is relatively broad spectrum. There are a few specific areas where I think it…

  • We are currently detecting a variety of whitefly-vectored viral diseases in vegetable crops. The two of greatest concern are cucurbit leaf crumple virus and tomato yellow leaf curl virus. Both have been detected in multiple counties in southern Georgia but are generally at low levels to date; unfortunately, this could change rapidly. Current levels of…