Pepper weevil has become a severe pest in multiple fields in south Georgia. The pest is present in damaging numbers in both pepper and eggplant fields. One field visited last week proved to have the worst infestation I have ever seen in pepper. A severe infestation was also seen in an eggplant field with no…
While I have suspected this for some time, recent studies have confirmed my belief that neonicotinoid insecticides do not work well for control of silverleaf whitefly in snap beans. I have no idea why, but I have seen this multiple times. Several years ago I noted that in side-by-side tests, foliar applications of Assail and…
Going into what will undoubtedly be a very heavy whitefly season, everyone should be aware of the 24C label for Knack in vegetables in Georgia. While this was established for “potential” use against caterpillar pests, it may be of interest for battling whiteflies. The 24C label allows for the reduced rate of 5 fl oz…
It has come to my attention that whiteflies are not listed in the Pest Control Handbook under sweet potatoes. This was not an oversight. Having grown sweet potatoes in Tifton the last two years and not having a whitefly problem, I assumed they would not become a problem in sweet potatoes (despite the common name…
While we have all been bracing for the potential onslaught of silverleaf whiteflies, the one bright spot was that the viral diseases that caused the bigger disasters in 2016 had not been seen in 2017. This is no longer the case. Cucurbit leaf crumple virus, which decimated snap beans and squash last fall, has been…
A representative of SipcamRotam indicated that ReTurn (contains oxamyl, the active ingredient in Vydate) should be available in Georgia at both Helena and Triangle. Initial volume is reported to be small. The ReTurn label is similar to the Vydate L label as far as crops and pests are concerned.
Downy mildew has been confirmed from Tattnall Co. on watermelon yesterday. The conditions for disease development are currently favorable. Please see the fungicide recommendations below. Watermelon: Rotation (foliar application) with Orondis Ultra+Manzate; Ranman+Manzate; Previcur flex+Manzate Please be mindful on the post harvest intervals for recommended fungicide.
For a variety of reasons I have resisted “sounding the alarm” for potential whitefly problems in 2017. We have been seeing more whiteflies than usual throughout the winter months, but we have also been looking closer than usual. However, today I saw a sample from a melon field that had as severe an infestation as…
SipcamRotam has indicated that they have received the first shipment of ReTurn (oxamyl; active ingredient in Vydate) into California and are moving it to distributors now. I assume it will take a few days or more to reach Georgia. They indicate “product should be available at a minimum at the following retailers – Helena, CPS…