Due to recent personnel changes within the UGA Plant Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory, we’ve had to make changes to the protocol for submission of citrus samples for viral and bacterial testing. Bulk samples mailed to the laboratory for routine testing for the bacterial diseases citrus greening (HLB) and citrus canker cannot be received at this time without prior approval. Furthermore, at this time, we are unable to accept any samples for citrus virus and viroid testing.
Growers and homeowners within Georgia who suspect citrus greening (HLB) or citrus canker are encouraged to first contact their local UGA county extension agent for help with initial diagnosis and information about sample collection. Dates/times for receipt of samples will be limited during Spring 2022, so prior to the submission of any samples for citrus greening (HLB) or citrus canker testing, please first contact Dr. Jonathan Oliver (jonathanoliver@uga.edu) to determine if and when samples can be received.
As always, for routine diagnosis of citrus samples, growers and homeowners are encouraged to first contact their local UGA county extension office. The UGA Plant Disease Clinic in Athens continues to provide citrus diagnostic support for Extension personnel and the residents of Georgia.