Dr. Harald Scherm ran the mummy berry model today, and it indicates that we are currently in a DANGER period for mummy berry disease initiation. Harald stated that the temperature-driven model indicated that apothecium (spore-forming structure that develops from overwintered mummies on the ground and in debris) emergence should be well underway based on the balance of chill-hours and degree-days received. In fact, there could be a chance that the apothecia ejected spores earlier than normal, possibly allowing for infection of early-blooming southern highbush varieties. This assumes that soil moisture conditions have been favorable, which they likely have been. Rabbiteyes will soon be showing green tip or early bloom, which should initiate the spray program for mummy berry management. For additional information on fungicides which are available for management of mummy berry, refer to the blueberry IPM guide at www.smallfruits.org.