
  • Indepth Research Services (IRES), a Nairobi-based training and consultancy organization, is hiring seven employees to offer technical training and education services to individuals and organizations working in the agriculture, climate change and environment; disaster management; and other areas. The seven Learning Advisor positions are for experts in: Research, Data Management and Statistics Institute Project Management,…

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  • Cuisine in Mexico and Kenya have a major ingredient in common – maize – and a food preparation method used for thousands of years in the area around modern Mexico could expand dish options and add nutrients for Kenyans, while reducing aflatoxin contamination in the food. The process – called nixtamalization – involves cooking and…

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  • East African Development Bank has launched a new scholarship program for math and science teachers from Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda to continue their education in the United States. The EADB Math, Science, Technology and Engineering University Scholarship Program, in partnership with The Africa-America Institute, will make scholarships available to experienced teachers and lecturers with a bachelor’s degree in…

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  • The AflaSTOP: Storage and Drying for Aflatoxin Prevention project has a new monthly newsletter to keep everyone up to date on the progress of the month. AflaSTOP is a ACDI/VOCA project in Kenya, working to find storage options that impede the growth of aflatoxin and give smallholder farmers a way to dry their grain and…

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  • The Trellis Fund will offer 15 grants, up to $2,000 each, to local organizations for six-month projects that address horticultural challenges in the region. Organizations in Feed the Future countries — including Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Rwanda, Senegal, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia — are eligible…

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  • C. Michael (Mike) Deom, is a Professor in the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. He is Lead Scientist on PMIL’s Peanut Varietal Development: An Integrated Global Breeding and Genomics Approach to Intensifying Peanut Production and Quality project. Mike is also a collaborator on PMIL’s Southern…

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  • We sat down with Sophie Walker, Chief of Party of the AflaSTOP project. Based in Kenya, AflaSTOP is investigating storage devices that will prevent the growth of aflatoxin-producing mold during storage and exploring drying technologies that will help farmers reduce grain moisture from current levels at 15-18 percent to a safer 13.5 percent. AflaSTOP intends to commercialize…

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