
  • The deadline has been extended to submit an abstract for the 2nd African Symposium on Mycotoxicology (ASM), which will be held 24 to 27 June 2018 in Mombasa, Kenya under the auspices of the International Society on Mycotoxicology (ISM). The conference will be held at the Leisure Lodge Resort in Mombasa, Kenya. The conference theme…

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  • A well-made video about aflatoxin — where it comes from, how it increases and how to discourage it — has been translated into eight African languages and made available for download in several formats depending on the technology needs of the viewer. The McKnight Foundation funded the video, which was filmed in South America and…

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  • Some 750,000 people die of liver cancer each year, most before age 50, and more 80 percent of them lived in developing countries, according to the National Institutes of Health. Researchers are looking at the way aflatoxin consumption, combined with hepatitis and other factors, are leading to more cancer diagnoses. “Liver cancer is one of…

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  • The African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development has put out 12-peer reviewed scientific articles in a special issue about aflatoxin. The main corresponding author for the issue, which is sponsored by the International Livestock Research Institute, is Dr. Johanna Lindahl ( The editor of AJFAND recently sent out a notice about the special…

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  • Sponsors including the Africa Union’s Partnership for Aflatoxin Control (PACA), Abt Associates, the Schooner Africa Fund, AGCO/GSI and GrainPro brought together leaders last week for the first Africa Strategic Grain Reserve Conference, which touched on a variety of storage challenges, including aflatoxin control. The event – which was held in Nairobi – gave a chance…

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  • Aflatoxin contamination can cost smallholder farmers at the market and leave them with potentially dangerous food to feed their families, but a few simple techniques have been proven to reduce the likelihood and severity of contamination.  The Peanut & Mycotoxin Innovation Lab has created an infographic to relay that important information to farmers and consumers…

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  • The African Union Commission (AUC) has wrapped up a two-day workshop in Addis Ababa titled “Mitigating the Health and Nutrition Impacts of Aflatoxins in Africa through Uncommon Partnerships.” The workshop, held March 23-24, brought together stakeholders from the health and nutrition sectors, including representatives from member states, Partnership for Aflatoxin control in Africa (PACA), AMERF Health…

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