Feed the Future has picked the winners of its most recent photo contest, and they are worth a look. More than 100 entries showed Feed the Future in action – from Nepal to Kenya to Guatemala – with partners in universities, nonprofits, NGOs and the U.S. Government. The images tell the story of what it…
A new video about aflatoxin — where it comes from, how it spreads and how to discourage it — is available through AccessAgriculture. The video combines interviews with local farmers, indigenous music and engaging landscape scenes, as a narrator gives practical advice about drying and storing groundnuts. The video, which was funded through the McKnight…
The InterDrought-V conference held in Hyderabad, India this week will be streamed live through Blue Jean Communications. The conference continues a series meant to serve as a platform for discussing strategies to respond to drought. The event will include speakers, a panel discussion, and new publications related to the topic. The event takes place on…
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Congrats to two Meds & Food for Kids interns, Gary Benoit and Exan Desamours, who have successfully defended their thesis. The Université Roi Henri Christophe students now will make modifications to their final document before submitting it. MFK, the Peanut & Mycotoxin Innovation Lab’s partner in Haiti, provides students research opportunities on its campus in…
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The American Peanut Research and Education Society is soliciting nominations for awards recognizing an individual’s service to the peanut industry or APRES, outstanding paper, outstanding research project, outstanding education project and outstanding graduate student speaker during its Annual Meeting. This year, that meeting will be held July 11-13 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Eligibility rules and…
Virginia Tech is looking for a doctoral candidate in crop physiology to work at the Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Suffolk on a project related to drought tolerance in peanuts. The project, which runs through 2019, is in collaboration with a physiologist and peanut breeder at North Carolina State University and is focused…
The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics is looking for a professional to join its team conducting research on food security supply chains and market systems in low- and middle-income countries. The position is based in Uganda with several weeks working on the MIT campus in Massachusetts each year. The position is based in the Humanitarian…
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