The International Fertilizer Development Center has a training program titled Promoting Agriculture Technology to Improve Productivity and Net Returns for Smallholder Farmers coming up early next year in Accra.

The program, which will run 23-27 January, is $1,650 if you register by 2 January and increases to $1,800 afterward.

The program specifically will benefit women and young farmers, extension and research professionals from national programs, policy-makers and representatives of organizations that focus on strategies to increase agricultural production.

Participants will get a chance to improve their knowledge and understanding of technologies in the areas of climate-smart agriculture, nutrient and water management, information management, and precision agriculture, among other technologies.

This brochure includes more info about the event and how to register.

IFDC is a nonprofit dedicated to increasing agricultural productivity and food production through the development and use of plant nutrients in sustainable crop production systems.

Headquartered in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, U.S.A., IFDC is involved in human resource development, research, and technical assistance in collaboration with public, private, national, and international organizations throughout the world. IFDC has conducted more than 700 formal workshops, study tours, and training programs for over 11,000 participants from over 150 countries since 1974.

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