Mummy Berry
While the upcoming forecasted freeze event is understandably foremost on the minds of those connected to the Georgia blueberry industry right now, diseases associated with bloom remain a concern. Many growers in the southern region of Georgia have initiated sprays for mummy berry disease already, but growers who haven’t already done so are reminded to…
Posted in: Disease Management -
In the southern region of Georgia, recent bouts of warmer than normal weather and earlier than normal emergence of leaves has led to the question of whether there is currently a risk of mummy berry infections developing. According to the mummy berry model developed by Dr. Harald Scherm (UGA), as of January 15th, 2019 there remains…
Posted in: Disease Management -
Dr. Harald Scherm has determined the mummy berry potential (germination and development of the apothecia); all southern Georgia blueberries that are showing either green tip or early bloom developmental stages are at high risk for mummy berry infection at this time and going forward. This is especially true as temperatures warm up next week and…
Posted in: Disease Management -
Proline (prothioconazole), a Bayer product, has been registered for blueberries. This is another demethylation inhibitor (DMI), FRAC Group 3 fungicide – similar to Indar, Orbit, and Quash, though it is listed in a triazolinthione chemical group, as opposed to a triazole group. In Georgia, we do not have blueberry research data with this fungicide, but…
Posted in: Disease Management -
Last year, I visited a blueberry site with significant mummy berry pressure in one of our southern Georgia counties. Based on the producer spray records, the materials applied and application timings were on target; there initially appeared to be no good reason for the level of mummy berry observed – assuming all was accurate. At…
Posted in: Disease Management