We want your student teaching experience to be safe one for you and your students. We expect you to adhere to school policies that protect the safety and well being of students, teachers, and visitors to your student teaching site. If you experience unsafe working conditions, or are unsure about how to respond in circumstances where your safety and the safety of your students may be jeopardy, please contact your university supervisor, the ALEC student teaching coordinator, and the department head for Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication. It is important that you contact all three of these individuals. It an emergency arises, you should contact local emergency services, and notify school authorities according to school policy.

While you are student teaching, you fall under the protection of the UGA anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policy, and also under the anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies of the school system where you are student teaching. The University of Georgia is committed to maintaining a fair and respectful environment for living, work and study. To that end, and in accordance with federal and state law, University System of Georgia policy, and University policy, the University prohibits harassment of or discrimination against any person because of race, color, sex (including sexual harassment and pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or national origin, religion, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran status by any member of the University Community on campus, in connection with a University program or activity, or in a manner that creates a hostile environment for any member of the University Community.

If you are the victim of harassment or discrimination, you are entitled to report this to the Equal Opportunity Office at the University of Georgia. The contact information for the office is below, and is also available on the UGA website.

Equal Opportunity Office
University of Georgia
119 Holmes-Hunter Academic Building
Athens, GA 30602
Phone: (706) 542-7912
Fax: (706) 542-2822
Email: ugaeoo@uga.edu