Q. How should I save my teaching materials? I don’t want a computer failure to wipe out all of my hard work.

A. Use the 3-2-1 Backup Rule. Keep a minimum of least three copies of your documents and data. Store two backup copies on different storage media, such as your laptop and also cloud storage (e.g. OneDrive, Google Drive). Store at least one copy on a hard drive backup stored elsewhere.

Q. Can I save my edTPA materials in cloud storage?

A. We do not have a policy on this written in stone.  However, we strongly recommend that you NOT store edTPA materials in cloud storage.  The tech people tell us that it’s just not truly secure.  Storing on USB drives and hard drives is, at least for now, the preferred method.  Of course those USB drives and hard drives must also be secured.  Another important thing is to delete all videos (except those in Foliotek) after you receive a passing score on edTPA.

Q. Can I serve as a substitute teacher at my school site?

A. No.