CAES Web Team
Research conducted by Hajihassani nematology group showed that drench and in-furrow applications of nematicide Velum Prime cause phytotoxicity to cucumber at transplanting (see photo). In contrast, Velum Prime had no phytotoxic damage to cucumber when applied though drip irrigation at transplanting. We recommend to use Velum Prime at least 3 days before seeding/transplanting in furrow-irrigated…
Determine the nematode genus (type) and their number in soil by analyzing the soil samples at a Nematode Diagnostic laboratory. For root-knot nematodes, the damage threshold is 0nly 1 nematode per 100 cc of soil. The nematicide rate for nematode control may vary based upon the nematode pressure in the soil. Identify the application rate,…
Please check out the attached extension publication to learn more about chemical nematicides for use in vegetable crops. To access, please click on the link:
Do you lay fallow your fields during the winter until the following spring? If so, consider planting a suitable cover crop for management of plant-parasitic nematodes during winter months. Winter cover crops are usually grown in fall and begin growing the following spring. Cover crops are a valuable strategy for improving soil health if you realize…
Downy mildew of cucurbit in watermelon has been detected from Taylor County in Georgia (Aug 23, 2016). These observations indicate that inoculum of downy mildew is currently in GA and under favorable conditions (cool and wet conditions) potential disease outbreak in watermelon and other cucurbits can occur. I would suggest our watermelon growers to look for the downy mildew symptoms in their fields and start applying protective…
Dr. Bhabesh Dutta The purpose of this blog is to keep our clientele informed with current disease updates on vegetable crops. Through this blog, Dr. Dutta would also like to provide current spray guide and management recommendations on important vegetable diseases. His extension program at the University of Georgia focuses on the management of the multitude of…