Catamaran® is a combination fungicide which contains chlorothalonil and potassium phosphite. This product is effective in the control of specified crop diseases and also provides protection through activation of the plants’ natural resistance mechanism. Catamaran® is intended for use as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) system. When used in conjunction with good cultural management practices and as part of a complete disease control program, Catamaran® is effective disease management on vegetables especially onion. In order to achieve maximum results in controlling the disease, spraying should be carried out before the appearance of the disease or when disease conditions are favorable. Always follow label directions.
Catamaran® is available and packaged in quantities of 4 X 1 gallons per case. Dealer inquiries can be made by calling Luxembourg USA toll free @ 877 343 4239.
Catamaran® is a registered trademark of Luxembourg.
EPA Reg. No.: 42519-31 EPA Est. No.: 37429-GA-002