Nematodes use a hollow mouth spear called a stylet to mechanically penetrate into the roots of host plants while simultaneously secreting effectors (i.e., pathogen proteins that alter host-cell structure and function) to facilitate their migration through root tissues. Once the infective juvenile nematode reaches the root vasculature, it selects a single cell and injects a cocktail of effectors that hijack cellular processes and transform it into a specialized feeding site.

A major focus of research in my lab has been directed at the functional characterization of nematode effector proteins using molecular, genetic, and biochemical approaches, including RNA interference (RNAi), ectopic expression in plants, and protein-protein interaction studies. Our efforts have led to the identification of several host protein targets of nematode effectors to shed light on their functions in parasitism. We hope our discoveries not only provide new insights into how plants recognize and respond to effector proteins secreted by nematodes to form essential feeding sites within host roots, but in turn, can ultimately be exploited to develop novel strategies to bioengineer crops with robust resistance to these parasites.

Current work is focused on characterizing the function of novel classes of effectors found to be highly expanded in cyst nematode genomes. We have also recently coupled computational approaches with transcriptome datasets to uncover a novel set of nuclear-targeted effectors with potential roles in manipulating gene regulation and other host nuclear functions.

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Jones J, and Mitchum MG. Biology of effectors. Chapter 4 IN: R.N. Perry, M. Moens and J.T. Jones (Eds.) Cyst Nematodes CABI International; 2018, pp. 74-83.

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