Members of the Mitchum lab are in bold (with the following designations: §post-doctoral researcher, £graduate student, ¶undergraduate student, ‡research specialist).
- Jones J, and Mitchum MG. Biology of effectors. Chapter 4 IN: R.N. Perry, M. Moens and J.T. Jones (Eds.) Cyst Nematodes CABI International; 2018, pp. 74-83.
- £Gardner M, §Verma A, and Mitchum MG. Emerging roles of cyst nematode effectors in exploiting plant cellular processes. Chapter 11, In C. Escobar, & C. Fenoll (Eds.), Advances in Botanical Research Vol 73, Plant Nematode Interactions: A View on Compatible Interrelationships (pp. 259–291), Oxford: Elsevier, 2015
- Rosso M-N, Hussey RS, Davis EL, Smant G, Baum TJ, Abad P, and Mitchum MG. Nematode effector proteins: targets and functions in plant parasitism. Chapter 13 IN: F Martin and S Kamoun (Eds.) Effectors in Plant-Microbe Interactions (pp. 327-354) Weinheim: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
- Escobar C, Horowitz SB, and Mitchum MG. Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of the plant response to nematode infection. Chapter 9 IN: J Jones, G Gheysen, and C Fenoll (Eds.) Genomics and Molecular Genetics of Plant-Nematode Interactions (pp. 157-173). New York: Springer, 2011.
- §Ithal N and Mitchum MG. Laser capture microdissection of nematode feeding cells, Chapter 18. IN: J McDowell (Ed.), Plant Immunity: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 712 (pp. 227-240). New York: Springer. 2011.
- Gheysen G and Mitchum MG. Molecular insights in the susceptible plant response to nematode infection. IN: RH Berg and CG Taylor (Eds.), Cell Biology of Plant Nematode Parasitism (pp. 45-82). Plant cell monographs, 15. Berlin: Springer, 2009.
- Mitchum MG and Baum TJ. Genomics of the soybean cyst nematode-soybean interaction. IN: G. Stacey (Ed.), Genetics and Genomics of Soybean (pp. 321-341). New York: Springer, 2008.
- El-Mellouki T, Liu S, Liu X, Jamai A, Mitchum MG and Meksem K. TILLING: A reverse genetics and functional genomics tool in soybean. IN: G Kahl and K Meksem (Ed.), The Handbook of Plant Functional Genomics (pp. 251-265). Weinheim: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008
- Mitchum MG, Hussey RS, Davis EL, and Baum TJ. Application of biotechnology to understand pathogenesis of nematode plant pathogens. IN: ZK Punja, S DeBoer, and H Sanfacon (Eds.), Biotechnology and Plant Disease Management (pp. 58-86). Cambridge, MA: Cabi Pub, 2007.