Click year to see past annual photo highlights:
2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010,
2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1996
OCTOBER- Insect Taxonomy class field trip to Sapelo Island!
OCTOBER- Museum intern, Cullen, processing aquatic insect collection in basement and changing hall display.
SEPTEMBER- Insect Taxonomy class at Southeast Clarke Park.
SEPTEMBER- Virtual Roach codevelopers Gene Wright and Joe McHugh in the early days of the project around 2000 (left) and in 2022 (right).
Gene and Joe at lab in 2022
SEPTEMBER – Insect Taxonomy class at the Georgia State Botanical Garden.
SEPTEMBER – Insect Taxonomy class visits UGA Collection of Arthropods.
SEPTEMBER – Rick and Joe at the UGCA station at Insect-ival 2022 at the Georgia State Botanical Garden.
JUNE & JULY – Chandler helped with several projects as a summer intern in the UGCA.
APRIL – Our spring interns explore the collection range after a long semester working up in the Bio. Sciences Building.
MARCH – UGA Insect Enthusiasts Club visits museum for tour of Collection of Arthropods
MARCH – Sorting and upgrading vial-stored specimens generated by decades of aquatic entomology research at UGA
Rick and Joe sort “keepers” from “junkers”
FEBRUARY – Spring interns attack backlog of unlabeled specimens
JANUARY – Welcome Ken McCravy, our newest museum associate
Ken McCravy
JUNE – Firefly watching excursion with the Lund Entomology Club in Monroe, GA
May – Dragons and Damsels of Sapelo Project 2022.
APRIL – Emmanuel Arriaga Varela visits the lab to study endomychid beetles.
Emmanuel Arriaga Varela visits lab to study endomychid beetles
FEBRUARY – Clayton’s research in Georgia leads to the first record of Dere thoracica, an Asian longhorn beetle, in the Nearctic Region
Clayton’s research leads to first report of asian species in the Nearctic Region
FEBRUARY – Removal of Clayton’s tree hole boxes
Tree hole box after two years
Mike removing a tree hole box
Clayton securing the emergence collectors to the boxes