Partnership for Aflatoxin Control in Africa
The Partnership for Aflatoxin Control in Africa will hold its second biennial partnership platform meeting on 11-13 October in Kampala, Uganda. The meeting will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to share lessons and information, engage and deepen partnerships to create synergies, and alignment around current and future aflatoxin-control efforts on the continent. Under the auspices…
The AflaSTOP: Storage and Drying for Aflatoxin Prevention project has a new monthly newsletter to keep everyone up to date on the progress of the month. AflaSTOP is a ACDI/VOCA project in Kenya, working to find storage options that impede the growth of aflatoxin and give smallholder farmers a way to dry their grain and…
Posted in: Field Notes -
In most West African countries, groundnut is an important crop used in various forms. It is a basic food and cash crop. Its production, processing and trade are major sources of employment, income and foreign exchange in many West African countries. Unfortunately, since the 1960s, groundnut production and trade have been declining due to various…
Posted in: Events -
Aflatoxin, a Silent Threat to Africa’s Food Supply Published June 5, 2015, National Geographic|The Plate Author Kelsey Nowakowski Food supply issues aren’t uncommon in Africa. Famines caused by drought, flood, or conflict are frequent. But there is another constant threat to the continent’s food security that receives little public attention: Foodborne toxins known as aflatoxins.
Posted in: In the Media -
African Union Commission (AUC) has announced five positions to strengthen the PACA Secretariat at the AUC Headquarters. The positions are: Senior Communication Officer, Knowledge Manager, Policy Advisor, Strategy and Operations Senior Officer, and Technical Advisor.
Posted in: Opportunities -
Mars has partnered with United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to improve the provision of safe, locally-sourced food in Africa. The two-year partnership between the food manufacturer and the humanitarian agency will include the establishment of new food safety guidelines for local suppliers to improve the availability of safe foods for those in need. Mars is also planning…
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