The USAID PEER Program (LAB/CDR) recently launched a Women in Science Mentoring award which will encourage young women scientists to continue in their field of research by matching them with experienced female mentors. Selected mentors receive $2,000 for following the program, while younger scientists receive mentoring and a chance to compete for $10,000 in research grant funding at the conclusion of the program.
The PEER Women in Science Mentorship Program consists of groups of women in senior and junior faculty positions. Each group will have one senior faculty mentor and two to four more junior faculty from the same university.
For one year, these small groups will build personal and career development goals in topics such as networking, research proposal writing, and research paper publication. Mentees and mentors will receive a three-day professional training to provide cohorts with tools to improve their mentorship experience as well as kick off the year. The program will end with a competitive, $10,000 research grant opportunity for the junior faculty members.
Women can apply from institutions in Sub Saharan Africa (Angola, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia) and Arab states (Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, West Bank/Gaza) are eligible to apply.
Applications due March 16. Go to the Partnership for Enhanced Engagement in Research site for more information or to apply.