The International Institute for Environment and Development has released a policy briefing detailing the trade-offs necessary to feed a growing population in Sub- Saharan Africa, while conserving forest and biodiversity.

Africa is home to 25 percent of the world’s remaining rainforests, but lost an estimated 15.6 million hectares of forest between 2010 and 2015, according to IIED. With the population of Sub-Saharan Africa projected to double in the next 35 years, imports, reducing food waste and increasing crop yields will only make up part of the increased food demand.

The briefing argues that competition and trade-offs between ending hunger and conserving forests need to be recognized, better understood, and, where necessary, proactively negotiated.

A series of infographics were produced last year to highlight key findings from the research and can be viewed on IIED’s Flickr site.

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