Membership Qualifications

Any person who has performed satisfactory service as a professional Extension worker with the Land Grant College of Georgia for three or more years shall be eligible for membership in Alpha Beta Chapter, Epsilon Sigma Phi. A potential member must be working full-time. A potential member having worked in another state Extension Service would be credited with that time. Satisfactory service shall be determined on the basis of the following conditions:

  1. The candidate has exhibited a cooperative and helpful attitude toward his fellow Extension employees.
  2. The candidate shall have demonstrated competency in his assigned field of responsibility.
  3. The candidate shall have demonstrated competency in educational techniques essential to the conduct of an effective Extension program.
  4. A member in good standing in another state may be accepted into the Georgia Chapter.
  5. A member in good standing who has left the profession may be accepted as a member again upon returning.

New Membership Procedure

A candidate for membership in Alpha Beta Chapter shall be recommended by an active member of his/her sub-chapter unit no later than April 15 to the Junior Director of that sub-chapter unit. The Executive Board shall act upon these recommendations at the next board meeting.

Membership Nomination Form (pdf)

Membership Renewal Procedure

An annual membership renewal drive will be conducted each year by the 2nd Vice President. Membership is now an online process. Instructions for completing the renewal process are here.

Life Membership Procedure

Extension employees are eligible to become life members of ESP with a one-time life member dues payment.  An invitation for life membership is provided to Extension employees at the time of their retirement.  For more details see the links below.

Georgia ESP Life Membership Form (pdf)

National Invitation to ESP Life Membership (pdf)