Courtney is the Lab Coordinator for the University of Georgia’s Small Fruit Entomology Lab . She has conducted research on bark and ambrosia beetles (Curculionidae) in conifer ecosystems of Georgia and sap beetles (Nitidulidae) in agricultural settings.
email: clbris14(at)uga.edu

Gareth is a doctoral student working with Dr. Seth Bybee at Brigham Young University. He completed both his BS and MS degrees in entomology at Purdue University. Gareth’s main interests are in Coleoptera Systematics, with a specific focus on the family Nitidulidae (Sap Beetles). With Dr. Bybee, he is investigating the evolution of vision across different feeding behaviors in Sap Beetles, as well as revising several genera of Carpophilinae.
email: gspowell90(at)gmail.com

Andy is the Assistant Director for the Plant Health and Pest Prevention Services Division of the California Department of Food & Agriculture. His research focuses on the taxonomy, systematics, ecology, and natural history of Nitidulidae, Kateretidae, Biphyllidae, and other families within Cucujoidea, Coccinelloidea, and Cleroidea.
email: andrew.cline(at)cdfa.ca.gov

Joe is a professor at the University of Georgia and the Curator of the UGA Collection of Arthropods in the Georgia Museum of Natural History. His research focuses on systematics, evolution and anatomy of insects, especially beetles in the superfamilies Cucujoidea and Coccinelloidea.
email: mchugh.jv(at)gmail.com
DiLorenzo, C.L., G.S. Powell, A.R. Cline, and J.V. McHugh (2021) Carpophiline-ID, a taxonomic web resource for the identification of Carpophilinae (Nitidulidae) of eastern North America. (vers. 01.19.2021) University of Georgia, retrieved from https://site.caes.uga.edu/carpophiline-id/