
Current Lab Members

Graduate Students, and PI


Lab Alumni and Previous Lab Members

Jim Quick, Research Professional IV (retired), 2005-2020

Amy Janvier, posthumous degree awarded 2021, MS Entomology co-advisor with Mike Ulyshen, Pollinator Health and Ecology

Rebecca Griffin, 2019. MPPPM Entomology, Georgia pollinator census: a citizen science project. Currently UGA/ CES Extension, Pollinator Health Program Associate, School and Community Garden Coordinator.

Conor Fair, 2015, MS in Entomology, Potential for farmscaping to reduce squash bug injury. Currently a PhD student at UGA with Joe McHugh and Mike Ulyshen.

Bethany Harris, 2015, MS in Entomology, Urban habitat management for pollinator and beneficial insect conservation. Currently Assistant Director of Education, Entomology and Horticulture, Callaway Gardens, Pine Mountain, GA.

Jessica A. Kalina, 2013, MS in Entomology, Potential of a native lace bug for biological control of Chinese privet. Currently Crop Protection Territory Manager (NC/ SC/ GA), Corteva AgriscienceTM
Agriculture Division of DowDuPontTM

Lake Maner, 2012, MS in Entomology, Life history, rearing and habits of the redbay ambrosia beetle

Cheri M. Abraham, 2012, PhD in Entomology, Developing integrated pest management strategies for greenhouse gerbera daisies. Currently Operations Manager/Entomologist, US Citrus, LLC UGA Researchers Tackle Gerbera Daisy Pests. CAES YouTube May 19, 2011

Shakunthala Nair, 2011, PhD in Entomology, Stephanitis lace bugs affecting ericaceous plants host range, mechanisms of resistance, and management

Nair, S., Bauske, E. M., Braman, S. K. 2012. Managing Garden Insects Begins With a Question: Friend or Foe? UGA CAES Cooperative Extension

Currently an Extension Associate at University of Arizona in Community IPM at the Maricopa Ag. Center in Maricopa, Arizona.

Evelyn Carr, 2010, MS in Entomology, Ecology and biology of Leptodictya plana

Shimat V. Joseph, 2010, PhD in Entomology, Management strategies to reduce hemlock wooly adelgid; 2006, MS in Entomology, The potential role of heteropteran predators Geocoris punctipes, G. uliginosus and Orius insidiosus in warm season turfgrass

Currently Assistant Professor, UGA

Gretchen V. Pettis, 2005, PhD in Entomology, Management of insect pests of crapemyrtle with special reference to the ecology and biology of Altica sp.

Currently with BioSafe Systems as an Entomologist

Gretchen with Young Scholars Marcus Webb, Adrienne Wilson, and Sherika Morris
Graduation day!

Punya Nachappa, 2004, MS in Entomology, Biology and management of two lined spittlebug in turfgrass. Currently Assistant Professor at Colorado State University.

Gregory S. Hodges, 2001, PhD in Entomology, Life history information (including degree day relationships) and taxonomy of scale insects found in urban landscapes.

Currently Bureau Chief for Entomology, Nematology, and Plant Pathology at FDACS-DPI
University of Florida

Susan L. Shortman, 2001, MS in Entomology, PhD in Entomology, Resistance and susceptibility among turfgrass and potential weedy host to two lined spittlebug

Colin D. Stewart, 2000, PhD in Entomology, Evaluating and improving pest management in the urban landscape. Currently Assistant Director, USDA, APHIS PPQ- Pests, Pathogens and Biocontrol Permits.

William E. Klingeman III, 1998, PhD in Entomology, Developing decision-making guidelines for control of the azalea lace bug. Currently Professor and Graduate Director, Dept. of Plant Sciences, UT.

Jeffery H. Gillman, 1998, PhD in Horticulture, Resistance of Buddleia taxa to the two-spotted spider mite

Yuefang Wang, 1996, MS in Horticulture, Identification of azalea genotypes resistant to the azalea bug and possible resistant mechanisms

Julie Balsdon, 1993, MS in Entomology, Biology and ecology of Anagrus takeyanus, an egg parasitoid of azalea lace bug