Dear blueberry, blackberry, raspberry, and strawberry growers and industry professionals:  

A national team of researchers led by Dr. Ash Sial (UGA) with representatives from multiple states across the United States is planning a project to develop sustainable management of thrips including flower thrips and chilli thrips in small fruit crops. In order for us to develop the most effectives and economical strategies to manage thrips in berry crops, we need your feedback and would really appreciate if you could fill out the survey at the following link or just scanning the QR code. It will take only a few minutes to complete the survey. 

Link to consent form and online survey:

Your participation is voluntary and confidential. You may stop participating at any time by closing the survey. Participating in this study isn’t an expectation nor requirement of any affiliation you have with NC State or any member of the research team. You must be 18 years of age or older, reside in the United States, and be involved in the small fruit crops industry to participate in this study. You will not be compensated for participating. Participation involves only minimal risk, no more than encountered in everyday life.  

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Walker using the information below.  

Dr. Tegan Walker Evaluation Specialist Southern IPM Center 


Phone: 919-515-0496 

We look forward to your response!  

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