Dr. Jim Ballington, North Carolina State University blueberry breeder, announced the advanced selection ‘Pinnacle’ (US 508) is available for trials. ‘Pinnacle is a collaboration between NCSU and USDA-ARS and is a cross of NC 1408 (‘Elizabeth’ x US 75) X ‘Bluechip’ made by A. D. Draper at Beltsville, MD. ‘Pinnacle’ has demonstrated an early ripening, large sized, light blue, and firm fruit. ‘Pinnacle’ is estimated to have 500-600 hrs chilling and has been evaluated in highbush blueberry soils of eastern NC. Dr. Ballington suggests that ‘Pinnacle’ would perform well in Southern Georgia
pine bark culture.
If ‘Pinnacle’ peaks your interests contact Dr. Ballington at jrbsrb@ncsu.edu. Growers are required to sign a Trialing Agreement with NCSU and there is a $5.00 charge on each plant to cover propagation costs.