Improving production practices will allow farmers to have a more efficient and sustainable production system. ​

Blueberries and blackberries at farmer's market

Whole plant physiology, nutrient management practices, and cultural practices in blueberries and other small fruits, and how the diverse management practices affect plant physiology and determines yield and postharvest quality

Projects ​

  1. Determine the effect of phosphorus and potassium fertilization on plant growth, fruit production and fruit quality​
  2. Photo-selective devices as an alternative to grow tubes to improve the establishment and production of blueberries​
  3. Developing a sampling method for sap nutrient analysis for blueberries and blackberries to increase fertilizer use efficiency​
  4. Impact of fertilization rates, soil amendments and pruning techniques on blueberry production​
  5. Assessing the effect of different Nitrogen fertilization rates on the postharvest quality of ‘Ouchita’ grown is South Georgia​