Population Biology of Emerging Fungal Threats to Plants and People

Research in the lab focuses on understanding the genetic basis of emerging fungal threats to plants and people. We are particularly interested in the evolutionary processes that contribute to population-level diversity, to the formation of new species, and to species diversification. We aim to uncover the genetic basis for differences in pathogenicity, virulence, and host specialization within species and among closely-related species. We want to understand differences between agricultural and natural populations of fungal plant pathogens and how agriculture shapes population structure and diversity. We use population genetics, population genomics, comparative genomics, and molecular phylogenetics to answer our questions.

Other interests include phylogeography, fungal mating systems, and using population genetics to solve epidemiological problems in the field including sources of inoculum, pathogen overwintering mode, populations overcoming host resistance, and the evolution of fungicide resistance.


The Brewer Mycology Lab is currently recruiting graduate students and a postdoctoral researcher for summer/fall 2024 to study population genomics and the evolution of fungicide resistance in Colletotrichum species causing emerging cucurbit anthracnose epidemics!! Email Dr. Marin Brewer (mtbrewer(at)uga(dot)edu) with questions and a copy of your CV if you are interested. More information about the USDA-SCRI-funded project and postdoc position are below.


Azole Resistance Map

Azole Resistant Aspergillus Fumigatus in the Environment – Interactive Map