Mondal, S., Seelam, R. T., Mondal, B., & Jespersen, D. (2024). Understanding abiotic stress tolerance mechanisms in non-food grass species through omics approaches. Plant Stress, 100516.
Fan, Q., Raymer, P. L., Bahri, B. A., & Jespersen, D. (2024). Dose-dependent physiological effects of UV-C radiation on seashore paspalum. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 108514.
Atta, K., Mondal, S., Gorai, S., Singh, A. P., Kumari, A., Ghosh, T., … & Jespersen, D. (2023). Impacts of salinity stress on crop plants: improving salt tolerance through genetic and molecular dissection. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14.
Parkash, V., Snider, J. L., Pilon, C., Bag, S., Jespersen, D., Virk, G., & Dhillon, K. K. (2023). Differential sensitivities of photosynthetic component processes govern oxidative stress levels and net assimilation rates in virus-infected cotton. Photosynthesis Research, 158(1), 41-56.
Sapkota, S., Kaur, R., Harris‐Shultz, K., Wang, H., Koo, D. H., Nabukalu, P., & Jespersen, D. (2023). Creation and characteristics of tetraploid and mixoploid centipedegrass. Crop Science, 63(4), 2569-2582.
Fan, Q. and D. Jespersen, Assessing Heat Tolerance in Creeping Bentgrass Lines Based on Physiological Responses. Plants, 2023. 12(1): p. 41 DOI: 10.3390/plants12010041.
Katuwal, K. B., Jespersen, D., Bhattarai, U., Chandra, A., Kenworthy, K. E., Milla‐Lewis, S. R., … & Raymer, P. Multi‐locational screening identifies new drought tolerant warm‐season turfgrasses. Crop Science.
Fox, J. L., Jespersen, D., Baxter, L. L., Snider, J. L., van Iersel, M. W., & Schwartz, B. M. (2022). Towards estimating shade response of bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) using field-based photosynthetic properties. Grass Research, 2(1), 1-6.
Zhang, J., Maleski, J., Jespersen, D., Waltz Jr, F. C., Rains, G., & Schwartz, B. (2021). Unmanned Aerial System-Based Weed Mapping in Sod Production Using a Convolutional Neural Network. Frontiers in plant science, 2635.
Virk, G., Snider, J. L., Chee, P., Jespersen, D., Pilon, C., Rains, G., … & Tishchenko, V. (2021). Extreme temperatures affect seedling growth and photosynthetic performance of advanced cotton genotypes. Industrial Crops and Products, 172, 114025.
Jespersen, D., & Xiao, B. (2021). Use of rapid light curves to evaluate photosynthetic changes in turfgrasses exposed to low‐light conditions. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal.
Katuwal, K. B., Tishchenko, V., & Jespersen, D. (2021). Assessing drought resistance in seashore paspalum genotypes using leaf gas exchange, osmotic adjustment, and rooting characteristics. Crop Science, 61(3), 2121-2134.
Katuwal, K. B., Rowe, S., & Jespersen, D. (2021). The use of 5‐aminolevulinic acid to reduce heat‐stress‐related damages in tall fescue. Crop Science, 61(5), 3206-3218.
Katuwal, K. B., Xiao, B., & Jespersen, D. (2020). Physiological responses and tolerance mechanisms of seashore paspalum and centipedegrass exposed to osmotic and iso-osmotic salt stresses. Journal of Plant Physiology, 248, 153154.
Katuwal, K. B., Xiao, B., & Jespersen, D. (2020). Root physiological and biochemical responses of seashore paspalum and centipedegrass exposed to iso‐osmotic salt and drought stresses. Crop Science, 60(2), 1077-1089.
Katuwal, K. B., Schwartz, B., & Jespersen, D. (2020). Desiccation avoidance and drought tolerance strategies in bermudagrasses. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 171, 103947.
Xiao, B., & Jespersen, D. (2019). Morphological and physiological responses of seashore paspalum and bermudagrass to waterlogging stress. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 144(5), 305-313.
Jespersen, D., Leclerc, M., Zhang, G., & Raymer, P. (2019). Drought performance and physiological responses of bermudagrass and seashore paspalum. Crop Science, 59(2), 778-786.
Harris‐Shultz, K. R., & Jespersen, D. (2018). Advances in DNA markers and breeding for warm‐and cool‐season turfgrasses. Plant Breeding Reviews, 42, 119-165.
Jespersen, D., & Schwartz, B. (2018). Drought avoidance traits in a collection of zoysiagrasses. HortScience, 53(11), 1579-1585.
Jespersen, D., Ma, X., Bonos, S. A., Belanger, F. C., Raymer, P., & Huang, B. (2018). Association of SSR and candidate gene markers with genetic variations in summer heat and drought performance for creeping bentgrass. Crop Science, 58(6), 2644-2656.
Jespersen, D., & Schwartz, B. (2018). Drought avoidance traits in a collection of zoysiagrasses. HortScience, 53(11), 1579-1585.
Wang, J., Juliani, H. R., Jespersen, D., & Huang, B. (2017). Differential profiles of membrane proteins, fatty acids, and sterols associated with genetic variations in heat tolerance for a perennial grass species, hard fescue (Festuca trachyphylla). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 140, 65-75.
Jespersen, D., Belanger, F. C., & Huang, B. (2017). Candidate genes and molecular markers associated with heat tolerance in colonial Bentgrass. PLoS One, 12(2), e0171183.
Jespersen, D., Zhang, J., & Huang, B. (2016). Chlorophyll loss associated with heat-induced senescence in bentgrass. Plant Science, 249, 1-12.
Jespersen, D., Merewitz, E., Xu, Y., Honig, J., Bonos, S., Meyer, W., & Huang, B. (2016). Quantitative trait loci associated with physiological traits for heat tolerance in creeping bentgrass. Crop science, 56(3), 1314-1329.