Habitat for Humanity International and the US Agency for International Development Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA) is taking applications for the 2022 USAID/BHA Graduate Student Fellowships in Humanitarian Shelter and Settlements (S&S).
The program supports fellows to engage in the Humanitarian S&S sector by supporting the thesis or professional report writing efforts of three graduate students. The students should be currently enrolled full-time in accredited North American graduate school programs or US citizens studying abroad in similar graduate programs in city, urban, environmental, or regional planning; and architecture or architectural engineering, civil or environmental engineering or similar disciplines. Application must be submitted by February 18, 2022.
Each award is worth up to $19,000 ($10,000 for stipend and up to $9,000 for travel related expenses).
Information can be found here: https://www.habitat.org/about/careers/humanitarian-shelter-and-settlements-fellowship-usaidbha-7153br .