Agrilinks is celebrating 10 years of spreading information about agricultural research and innovation around the world.
Supported by the USAID Bureau for Resilience and Food Security (RFS) through the Feed the Future Knowledge, Data, Learning, and Training (KDLT) program, Agrlinks is a hub sharing knowledge, training and connections through blogs, newsletters, webinars and other digital means.
To celebrate the 10-year anniversary, Agrilinks is hosting a special webinar on a new platform.
Zachary Baquet of USAID will give an introductory talk on the history of Agrilinks, and a little information on how you can use Agrilinks to enhance your work. Food security specialists then will share perspectives on the past, present, and future of agricultural development. How did we get here and what can we do to achieve a zero hunger future? Join Agrilinks to find out.