The American Institute of Biological Sciences is holding a webinar on Thursday, February 27 when Patrick Reilly from the U.S. State Department will discuss the Nagoya Protocol, the system of rules for sharing genetic resources.
During “Life Finds A Way: An Overview of the Nagoya Protocol from the U.S. Government,” Reilly will give a short history of how the protocol was developed, what it actually says (and what it doesn’t), the difference between monetary and non-monetary benefit sharing, and how the U.S. government can help.
The Nagoya Protocol is a multilateral treaty that sets up a legal framework for utilizing genetic resources. It should be a part of every researcher’s thinking, from how to conduct research, to manage collections, and how to work with partners. Even for researchers based in the United States, familiarity with the protocol, and what it requires, is important as provider countries may have rules/regulations/laws that carry obligations that apply to samples even after they have left the country, such as restrictions on use, third party transfer, and tracking of any shared benefits.
The webinar will be February 27 from 1:30-2:30 p.m. Eastern Time. The session is free, but registration is required.
For more details or to register, go to