Feed the Future will host a webinar Thursday recapping the Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) project, an effort to promote smart regulations and efficient regulatory processes to support agribusiness.

In a recently released report, EBA compared policies in 40 countries in six regions on the topics of seed, fertilizer, machinery, finance, transport, and markets. Four additional topics—land; water; livestock; and information and communication technology— are under development and will be included in next year’s report. Two overarching themes—environmental sustainability and gender—have also been explored so that the indicators being developed encourage inclusive and sustainable practices.

The project identifies and analyzes legal barriers to conducting the business of agriculture and quantifies the transaction costs related to dealing with government regulations. The ultimate goal of EBA is to provide governments, private sector, civil society, academia and international institutions with clearly defined good practices that can inform policymaking and trigger regulatory reforms based on examples set by other countries. Eighteen indicators, covering six topics, have been developed to address various aspects relating to production inputs and market enablers that facilitate farmers, firms and producers to sell their goods and services.

“Enabling the Business of Agriculture 2016: Comparing regulatory good practices” is available for download at The World Bank website.

Go to the event page to find out more or to register. The webinar is Thursday 12 May at 9 p.m. Eastern Time.