The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Integrated Pest Management at Virginia Tech, funded by USAID, invites the submission of concept notes from U.S. universities, CGIAR institutions, other International Agricultural Research Institutions, and host country institutions to compete to lead the Rice, Maize, and Chickpea IPM for East Africa project. Concept notes will be reviewed and may lead to an invitation to submit a full proposal.

U.S. universities as defined under Section 296(d) of Title XII of the Foreign Assistance Act, CGIAR, AIRCA, and host country institutions are eligible to apply as the lead institution for a period of 4 years. Total funding (single award) is $1.55 million. Collaboration or partnerships with relevant and appropriate host country organizations, other universities, the IARCs, and/or development community partners is encouraged.

10 July, 2015 – Concept notes due