Notes from the Field: Lauren Singh
Lauren Singh, research coordinator at Washington University working with Dr. Mark Manary, traveled to Blantyre, Malawi in January. Upon her return, she shared some of her experiences and photos from her first trip to Malawi to work on the study.
“One of the most rewarding things was meeting the babies. I took the measurements of two of the babies at their 3-month post-partum visit. One of the mothers participating in the study that I met, her baby was born at a healthy weight and is not malnourished.
In Malawi, the study is known as ‘Mama Chiponde.’ Chiponde is the local name for peanut paste. This is one of the supplementary foods given to the mother in the study.
During my visit, I assisted with data collection at two of the study sites. Once moderately malnourished pregnant women are enrolled in the study, they are followed every two weeks until they deliver their baby. At these follow-up visits the mother’s measurements are taken and they are given a supply of one of the supplementary foods that they have been assigned to.
I helped take anthropometric measurements such as height, weight, and mid upper arm circumference. Once the mother delivers, the study follows the mother and baby for three months.
The mothers of the study seemed pleased that the project gives them assistance during their pregnancy and provides them with a greater potential to deliver a healthy baby.”
Read more about Mark Manary’s research project.