Turfgrass disease
We recently received physical and digital samples of dormant or quasi-dormant bermudagrass having patches of grayish-white to cream patches in color. The patches ranged from 4-15 inches (10-40 cm) in diameter and in some cases coalesced to form bigger patches. Similar symptoms were also noted on our “TifEagle” research green located at the University of…
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Summary Spring dead spot continues to be a major problem for turfgrass managers in Georgia. It is one of the more difficult diseases to manage because acceptable control is usually not obtained in a single season. Selecting proper nitrogen and potassium fertilization, thatch management and soil conditioning are important cultural practices that can help in…
UGA Department of Plant Pathology and UGA County Extension Coordinator Coweta County GA Turfgrass disease samples keep coming to our Department of Plant Pathology Plant Disease Clinics. Gray leaf spot (GLS) is showing up now, which is earlier than historically seen and a bit further north (Coweta County) than expected for this time of the…
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Owning or caring for a tall fescue lawn? Bentgrass green in the golf course? Then it’s time to scout for Brown patch (caused by Rhizoctonia solani) and Pythium blight (caused by Pythium spp). These diseases are often the most serious diseases on cool season grasses, especially on tall fescue, bentgrass and ryegrass in Georgia. Brown…
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Large Patch. Large patch is caused by the soilborne fungus Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2 LP. The disease can infect all species of warm season turfgrasses, including St. Augustinegrass, zoysiagrass, centipede and bermudagrass. The disease is apparent during the spring and fall, when warm-season turfgrasses are entering or exiting their period of winter dormancy. R. solani…
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Gray leaf spot on St. Augustinegrass Gray leaf spot is active and causing epidemics St. Augustinegrass. The fungus Pyricularia grisea also affects perennial ryegrass and tall fescue in Georgia. However, the disease is particularly aggressive in St Augustinegrass. Hot humid summer weather and high nitrogen levels can make turf susceptible to this disease. On St.…
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Introduction The succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) fungicide class is the fastest growing in terms of new compounds produced and launched into the fungicide market in turfgrass and in agriculture in general. This fungicide class, which inhibits the complex II of fungal respiration, is not new and was originally called carboxamide fungicides. The earliest compound in…
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Yellow Patch (Rhizoctonia cerealis). Sporadic infections of R. cerealis (yellow patch) have been observed in ryegrass over-seeded bermudagrass turf swards and sport fields. The disease is rare in the state, but it thrives in extended periods of wet, cloudy weather. It is a cool-temperature disease (50 to 65°F). Disease development is significantly suppressed at temperatures…
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Author: Alfredo Martinez-Espinoza, Plant Pathology Department, University of Georgia-Griffin Campus Large patch: To limit the severity of Rhizoctonia large patch on warm season grasses (especially on zoysiagrass), avoid nitrogen applications at this time. Regardless of fertility, preventive fungicide treatments may be required. The fungus (Rhizoctonia solani) becomes active when night temperatures fall below 60°F. Fungicides of the…
Posted in: Turfgrass disease