ALL pyrethroid insecticides (bifenthrin, Warrior/Karate, Mustang Max, Baythroid, Asana, Permethrin, etc.) are currently undergoing registration review at EPA. Nine are specifically being evaluated, but serve as surrogates for all 19 active ingredients. The preliminary evaluation shows that all pyrethroids exceed “Levels of Concern” for exposure to aquatic invertebrates. THIS IS MAJOR. If LOCs are exceeded,…
There is an agent training in Tifton at the Nespal Bldg. on Dec. 6, 2016. The following speakers will be featured: Drs. Gary Hawkins, Bhabesh Dutta, Babu Srinivasan, George Boyhan, Timothy Coolong, Stormy Sparks and Greg Fonsah. Topics including irrigation and water resource updates, insect and disease management, organic production and even banana cultivation in…
https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2016/11/17/2016-27552/chlorpyrifos-tolerance-revocations-notice-of-data-availability-and-request-for-comment This initiated a 60 day comment period that ends 17 Jan 2017. They are primarily requesting comments on specific information and procedures used in the new evaluation, but will accept comments on any aspect of the evaluation. EPA’s summary is included below. SUMMARY: EPA is announcing and inviting comment on additional information obtained and…
Cucurbit yellow stunt disorder virus (CYSDV) has recently been confirmed on cucumber and cantaloupe samples in GA. Symptoms: Initial symptom starts with chlorotic (yellow) spotting, which gradually develops into a distinct interveinal chlorosis (yellowing). The veins of the leaf remain green but the rest of the leaf turns bright yellow giving an appearance as that of a nutrient deficient leaf.…
Got a question today concerning mixing Coragen and Bravo with the Coragen targeting whiteflies. I do know from research plots that Coragen needs to be mixed with a penetrating surfactant when targeting whiteflies. If targeting caterpillars (which eat the surface of the leaf) this is not needed, but whiteflies feed inside the leaf and the…
Cucumber downy mildew has been reported from few counties in GA in Fall watermelon and cucumbers. This disease can cause severe defoliation and vine decline resulting in significant yield loss. As a preventative spray, growers can tank mix Orondis or Ranman or Previcur Flex with Bravo or Mancozeb. Powdery mildew and anthracnose can also be a…
Everyone knows we have ridiculous pest pressure from whiteflies this fall. We were hoping that the rain from the recent hurricane would cause extensive adult mortality and provide some relief. While we did get adult mortality, it was not enough to help us much in vegetables. We have extremely high pest pressure in our normal “epicenter”…
Downy mildew of cucurbit in watermelon has been detected from Taylor County in Georgia (Aug 23, 2016). These observations indicate that inoculum of downy mildew is currently in GA and under favorable conditions (cool and wet conditions) potential disease outbreak in watermelon and other cucurbits can occur. I would suggest our watermelon growers to look for the downy mildew symptoms in their fields and start applying protective…