
  • While diamondback moth has not been particularly bad this year, where populations have popped up, they have been difficult to control. I have been indirectly involved with a problem in North Carolina that has persisted for multiple weeks and has been treated extensively with insecticides that should have provided at least some control. This past…

  • Based on the screens that were conducted in multiple years in Tifton there are handful for commercially acceptable snap bean varieties with at least moderate resistance to cucurbit leaf crumple virus.  There were no varieties with high resistance.  Of those with moderate resistance there were several from Harris Moran, Syngenta, Seminis and one from Pop…

  • The corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea, attacks a wide variety of vegetable crops, but can be devastating in sweet corn production. While the larvae cause relatively minimal damage to an individual ear, often consuming only a few kernels at the tip, this damage (along with frass and larvae) makes the ear unmarketable in most markets, and…

  • Due to unusual dry weather in June and early July several reports of Rhizoctonia in watermelon were observed. Although chemical control measures were ineffective at this stage of crop development, grading out infected fruits becomes paramount important.

  • Downy mildew has been detected in Echols County in cucumber. Weather conditions have been favorable for downy mildew infection in southern Georgia particularly in cucumber and squash. It is the matter of time when it will show up in other southern counties. Hence,  I would suggest our cucurbit growers to look for the downy mildew symptoms in their fields and start applying protective spray of…

  • I am hesitant to post anything on this as it changes constantly. In the latest court case with chlorpyrifos, the prior elimination of the tolerances by the earlier court was struck down. While it is complicated and can change rapidly, the current interpretation is that all tolerances are back in place, making labeled uses of…

  • Propulse has received a label expansion on watermelon against Fusarium wilt. Propulse is a pre-mix of Proline and Luna (effective on nematodes too). In my field trials in 2018-19, it did as well as Miravis Prime and Proline program.

  • Onion downy mildew has been detected on onion in Tattnall County. These observations indicate that inoculum of downy mildew is currently in southern GA counties and under favorable conditions potential disease outbreak in onion crop can occur.  Fungicide program containing Omega 500, Ridomil Gold Copper, Zampro, Phosphite and Bravo would help in reducing disease severity.

  • Downy mildew has been detected on cucumber in Brooks County by Mr. Will Brown. These observations indicate that inoculum of downy mildew is currently in southern GA counties and under favorable conditions potential disease outbreak in cucurbit crops can occur. I would suggest our cucurbit growers to look for the downy mildew symptoms in their fields and start applying protective spray of below stated fungicides. Watermelon: Rotation (foliar application)  with …

  • Downy mildew has been detected in North Florida. Weather conditions have been favorable for downy mildew infection in southern Georgia particularly in cucumber and squash. It is the matter of time when it will show up in our southern counties. Hence,  I would suggest our cucurbit growers to look for the downy mildew symptoms in their fields and start applying protective spray of…