Alton Sparks
Pesticide registration/review is always interesting, if nothing else. The 9th Circuit Court once again as ruled that all Lorsban registrations should be cancelled. This was more over procedural issues than safety, but safety is consistent area of discussion. DOW is working to maintain those labels and for now we still have them. The Department of…
I assume most of you know by now that Torac is registered for a variety of insect pests on a variety of crops. Torac is a new mode of action for most insects (it is the same as some acaricides) and is relatively broad spectrum. There are a few specific areas where I think it…
We are currently detecting a variety of whitefly-vectored viral diseases in vegetable crops. The two of greatest concern are cucurbit leaf crumple virus and tomato yellow leaf curl virus. Both have been detected in multiple counties in southern Georgia but are generally at low levels to date; unfortunately, this could change rapidly. Current levels of…
Silverleaf whitefly populations have increased in many areas in the last few weeks and will likely continue to increase as we stay above average temperatures. When we start to cool off at night, the population increases should slow down. We have been fortunate that we have not seen population explosions like we had last year.…
Problems with seedcorn maggots in transplanted crops are popping up all over south Georgia this Spring. While this is a rare occasion (use of transplants avoids many soil borne insect problems), that makes it no less severe when it occurs. Maggots can kill tender young transplants, but cause minimal injury once the plants become established…
R368-107 Lorsban Advanced Sec 24c GA- Sweet Potato 03April18f 180403