
Soil Microbiology

(MIBO) CRSS 4610/6610-4610L/6610L

Microorganisms in soil and their effect on nutrient recycling, especially as it relates to environmental quality and crop production.

Offered every year in Fall

Credit: 3 hours – Lecture: 2 hrs (M W 9:05-9:55 am)

Laboratory: 2 hrs (F 1:25-3:30 pm) every week

Class meeting place: Student Learning Center (SLC), Rm-215

Text Book: Principles and Applications of Soil Microbiology (2nd Edition). 2004. David M. Sylvia, Jeffry J. Fuhrmann, Peter G. Hartel, David A. Zubeber

Reference: Soil Microbiology, Ecology and Biochemistry, 3rd Edition. 2007. Eldor A. Paul (Editor).

Soils and Hydrology

CRSS(FANR) 3060-3060L

Not open to students with credit in FORS 3060-3060L.

Prerequisite or corequisite: CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211L.

Soil formation and morphology, physical and chemical properties, soil-water interactions, hydrologic processes and water balance in the landscape, and soil and water quality. Emphasis on landscape management of soil and water resources for both productivity and environmental quality.

Offered every year in Fall

Credit: 4 hours – Lecture: 3 hrs (MWF 11:15 am- 12:05 pm) [clear]

Laboratory: 2 hrs (F 9:00-11:00 pm)
Class meeting place: SLC, Rm-116

Text Book: CRSS 3060 Course Packet : Call Troy Felts @ 706 546 1440 (UGA ProCopies) to order [clear]

Soil Erosion and Conservation

CRSS 4580/6580

Prerequisite: CRSS(FANR) 3060-3060L or permission of department.

Mechanisms of soil erosion and sediment production; infiltration, runoff, and sediment transport in agricultural, forestry, and urban environments.Erosion and sediment control principles and practices. Impact of erosion and sediment on productivity and environmental quality.

Offered every other year

Credit: 3 hours: – Lecture: 2 hrs (MW 11:00- 11:50 am)

Laboratory: 2:40 hrs (W 1:00-3:40 pm) every other week

Class meeting place: Room SLC, Rm-217

Text Book: Soil Erosion and Conservation 3rd ed. 2005. Blackwell Publishing. R.P.C. Morgan (author).

Reference: Soil and Water Conservation for Productivity and Environmental Protection, 4th Edition. 2004. Troeh, F.R., Hobbs, J.R. and Donahue, R.L.