Conference Presentations and Community / Stakeholder Engagement
- Yu, Q. 2019. Turfgrass genomics: From genomics resources to molecular breeding. Department of Genetics and Biochemistry Fall Semester Seminar Series, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, Nov. 1.
- K.E. Kenworthy. 2019. CitraBlue St. Augustinegrass. Florida Turfgrass Assocation Annual Conference, August 13, 2019.
- K.E. Kenworthy. 2019. Breeding Better Grasses for the Future. Palm Beach GCSA Symposium, September 26, 2019.
- J. B. Unruh. 2019. Your $$ at Work: Research Impacting the Golf Industry, Palm Beach GCSA Symposium, September 26, 2019.
- Wu, Y.Q. 2019. Oklahoma State University turfgrass breeding program and cultivars update. 74thAnnual Oklahoma Turfgrass Conference & Trade Show. Owasso, OK, November 19.
- Wu, Y.Q. 2019. Update on the turfgrass breeding efforts at Oklahoma State University. Oklahoma Turfgrass Field Day, Sept. 25, OSU Botanic Garden.
- Wu, Y.Q. 2019. Tahoma 31 bermudagrass: Drought resistance, cold hardiness, early spring green up, traffic tolerance, and high turf quality. Sports Turf Managers Association Conference, Phoenix, AZ, Jan. 25.
- Yu, S., Y.Q. Wu, L. Yan, D. Martin, J.Q. Moss, C. Fontanier, T. Fang, and H. Dong. 2019. High density genetic linkage and QTL mapping in African bermudagrass. Oklahoma State University, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences Student Research Symposium Poster Session.
- Fontanier, C. 2019. Performance of bermudagrass and zoysiagrass in moderate to heavy shade. OSU Turfgrass Field Day. Stillwater, OK. Sept 26.
- Fontanier, C., Q. Luo, S. Mitchell, B. Cheary, A. Kajla, S. Singh, N. Amgain. 2019. Connecting golf and STEM within horticulture and landscape architecture. Stillwater 5th Grade G&T Program. Stillwater, OK. Dec 19.
- Copeland, E., Peake, J., Fuhrman, N., Schwartz, B. (2019) Improving drought tolerance and sustainability of turfgrasses used in southern landscapes through the integration of breeding, genetics, physiology, economics and outreach. Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities. Athens, GA.
- Miller, G. (2020) Drought tolerance in turfgrasses as part of a turfgrass management. Smithfield Regional Turfgrass Conference and Greensboro Regional Turfgrass Conference. February 26-27.
- Greta Rockstad. Toward drought tolerant turf. Virtual talk on NC State 3-Minute Thesis Competition, September 2020
- Copeland, E., Peake, J., Fuhrman, N., Schwartz, B. (2020) Updated: Improving drought tolerance and sustainability of turfgrasses used in southern landscapes through the integration of breeding, genetics, physiology, economics and outreach. Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities. Athens, GA.
- Copeland, E., Peake, J., Fuhrman, N., Schwartz, B. (2020) Improving drought tolerance and sustainability of turfgrasses used in southern landscapes through the integration of breeding, genetics, physiology, economics and outreach. presented at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium. Athens, GA.
- Schwartz, B., Worley, B., Peake, J., Fuhrman, N., (2020) Using Key-Player and Decision-Making Models to Increase Diffusion of Innovations in Turf. Crop and Soil Science Association Conference. Phoenix, AZ. Invited symposium speaker.
- J. B. Unruh. 2020. Research Impacting the Management of Florida Golf Courses. Everglade GCSA Symposium – July 14, 2020.
- K.E. Kenworthy. 2020. CitraBlue St. Augustinegrass, A New Option For Landscapes. Florida Turfgrass Association Regional Seminars, January 7, 2020.
- K.E. Kenworthy. 2020. CitraBlue St. Augustinegrass Availability and Other Breeding Updates. In Service Training for Country Agents, June 11, 2020.
- K.E. Kenworthy. 2020. Research Impacting the Management of Florida Golf Courses. Everglade GCSA Symposium – July 14, 2020.
- Segars, C., and B. Bowling. 2020. Delivered a total of approximately 192 Extension presentations both live and using virtual platforms (Zoom, Teams, GoToWebinar). Primary audiences include Texas Turfgrass Professionals, Texas Master Gardeners, and homeowners.
- Segars C., and B. Bowling. 2020. Offered approximately 8 training opportunities for AgriLife Extension personnel in an effort to further disseminate project findings.
- B. Bowling. 2020. Introduced the warm-season SCRI to nearly 200 representatives of municipalities and water districts across Texas and gave a presentation on appropriate selection/watering practices to inform statewide municipal ordinances.
- B. Wherley. 2020. Deficit Irrigation as a Strategy for Golf Course Water Conservation. West Texas GCSA/ TCEQ Irrigators Education Session. October 28. Invited.
- B. Wherley. 2020. Turfgrass Research at Texas A&M that Benefits the Golf Course Superintendent. West Texas GCSA/ TCEQ Irrigators Education Session. October 27. Invited.
- B. Wherley. 2020. Texas A&M Turfgrass Research Update for Sports Field Managers. Texas Turfgrass Association Summer Meeting. July 21. Invited.
- Yu, Q. 2020. Genome evolution in zoysiagrass. Oct. 28, 2020, Department of Plant Pathology & Microbiology Seminar Series, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA
- Kajla, A., C. Fontanier, L. Zhang, Y.Q. Wu, A. Chandra, B. Schwartz, and S. Milla-Lewis. 2020. Effect of low light conditions on photosynthetic parameters of selected warm-season turfgrasses. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Meetings.
- Kaur, C, J. Moss, Y. Wu, and D. Martin. 2020. Differences in rooting characteristics of bermudagrass cultivars and OSU experimental genotypes. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Meetings.
- Zhang, J., Austin, R., Wang, T., Maleski, J., Milla-Lewis, S.R., Chandra, A., Moss, J.Q., Wu, Y., Kenworthy, K., Raymer, P., and B.M. Schwartz. Developing UAS Based High-throughput Phenotyping Tools in Turfgrass Variety Trials. SCRI fall meeting. Virtual. December 2020.
- Worley, B., Fuhrman, N., & Peake, J. Annual Grant Team Update: Using KeyPlayers and Decision-Making Models to Increase Diffusion of Innovations in Turf. December, 2020 SCRI Grant Annual Meeting
- Maleski, J., Zhang, J., and B.M. Schwartz. Turf Survey Update. SCRI fall meeting. Virtual. December 2020.
- Gouveia, B., Raymer, P.L., Schwartz, B.M., Kenworthy, K.E., Fontanier, C., Porto, A.C., Rios, E.F., Unruh, J.B., and Milla-Lewis, S.R. 2020. Performance and Genotype-By-Environment Interaction in Seashore Paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum) Evaluated Under Shade Conditions. Proc. Amer. Soc. Agron. Intl. Ann. Mtg., Phoenix, AZ. Nov 8-11.
- Porto, A.C., Paudel, D., Gouveia, B.T., Kenworthy, K.E., Kruse, J.K., Munoz, P.R., Schwartz, B.M., Novaes, E., Milla-Lewis, S.R., and Rios, E.F. 2020 Multi-Environment Evaluation of St. Augustinegrass Genotypes Under Shade. Proc. Amer. Soc. Agron. Intl. Ann. Mtg., Phoenix, AZ. Nov 8-11.
- Rockstad, G.B., Austin, R., Yu, X., Carbajal, E.M., Dunne, J.C., Miller, G.L., Jespersen, D., and Milla-Lewis, S.R. 2020. Evaluation of UAV-Based Imagery for Drought Stress Traits in St. Augustinegrass. Proc. Amer. Soc. Agron. Intl. Ann. Mtg., Phoenix, AZ. Nov 8-11.
- C. Segars. 2021. Offered at least 37 outreach presentations involving cultivar performance and variety selection.
- C. Segars. 2021. Offered three county agent trainings and 10 master gardener presentations.
- B. Wherley. 2021. Technologies & Tools for Improving Lawn Irrigation Management. Texas Nursery and Landscape Association Water & Pest Workshop. Virtual. May 14. Invited.
- B. Bowling. 2021. Offered at least 24 outreach presentation involving cultivar performance and variety selection.
- B. Bowling. 2021. Offered 5 Master Gardener presentations and 6 presentations specifically for green industry professionals including landscape architects, turfgrass producers and other land care operators.
- Jung, H., and C. Chung. 2021. Estimating Consumers’ Preference on Improved Turfgrass Attributes Considering Adverse Effects on Aesthetic Values. AAEA Annual Conference, Austin, TX, August 1-3.
- Han, J., C. Chung, and Wu. 2021. Effects of Social Networking on the Adoption of New Turfgrass Varieties. AAEA Annual Conference, Austin, TX, August 1-3.
- Zhang, J., J. Maleski, and B. Schwartz. 2021. Precision Agriculture and Object Recognition in Turfgrass. UGA Office of Government Relations Congressional Staff Tour. August 19th. Athens, GA.
- Schwartz, B. 2021. Drought Tolerant Turfgrasses Can Reduce Urban Water Use in Georgia. Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association Stop Watering and Start Saving: TifTuf Bermudagrass. Georgia Association of Water Professionals – NG Turf Meeting. August 19th.
- Schwartz, B. 2021. Stop Watering and Start Saving: TifTuf Bermudagrass. Georgia Association of Water Professionals Annual Conference – Georgia Water Wise Council. July 13th.
- Schwartz, B. 2021. Are Newly Developed Drought and Shade Tolerant Grasses Really What Golf Course Superintendents Need To Be Successful In The Future? GGCSA Bentgrass/Bermudagrass Forum. March 22nd.
- Schwartz, B. 2021. TifTuf Bermudagrass, a Good Steward of Georgia’s Water Resources. Georgia Water Wise Council Meeting. February 15th.
- Worley, B., Fuhrman, N., & Peake, J. (2021, January). Using Key-Player and Decision-Making Models to Increase Diffusion of Innovations in Turf. Round Table Session Southern Region American Association for Agricultural Education Conference. Virtual.
- Cory Ketchum – Water use in turfgrasses. The Mid-Atlantic Turfgrass Expo Jan 19, 2021.
- Grady Miller – Blades of Green, Shades of Ecology. The Mid-Atlantic Turfgrass Expo Jan 19, 2021.
- Grady Miller – Drought tolerant turfgrasses for NC. Extension Agent and Master Gardener Training. Raleigh, NC. May 6, 2021.
- Grady Miller – Drought tolerant turfgrasses for NC. Master Gardener Training. Charlotte, NC. March 5, 2021.
- Grady Miller – Turfgrasses for NC. Landscape Conference. Rocky Mount, NC. Feb 14, 2021.