
Abdomen: The third or posterior, major division of the insect body, consisting primitively of 11 segments, but normally with 9-10 (5 in Carpophilinae) apparent segments and bearing no functional legs in the adult stage

Antenna: in larval and adult insects, paired segmental appendages, borne one on each side of the head, functioning as sense organs

Axillary space: located posterior to the mesothoracic leg and roughly triangular in shape due to the broadening of the mesocoxal posterior rim laterally to its juncture with the metepisternum

Carina: an elevated ridge or keel, not necessarily high or acute

Coxa: the basal segment of the leg, by means of which it is articulated to the body

Disc: the central surface area of any part

Distal: near or toward the free end of any appendage, that part of a segment farthest from the body

Dorsal: on or of the functionally upper surface

Elytra: the leathery forewing of beetles, serving as a covering for the hind wings

Femur: the third, and usually the stoutest segment of the leg, articulated to the body through the trochanter and coxa and bearing the tibia at its distal end

Forecoxa: coxa of the foreleg

Interocular: between the compound eyes

Lateral: relating, pertaining, or attached, to the side

Mesosternum: sternum of the mesothorax

Mesothorax: the second or middle thoracic segment bearing the middle legs and the forewings

Metathorax: the third thoracic ring or segment, which bears the hind legs and hind wings

Pretarsus: last segment of the insect leg, being either a single claw segment or a pair of claws, arolium, auxillae, and unguitractor plate.

Pronotum: the upper and dorsal part of the prothorax

Prosternal process: a posterior prolongation of the prosternum behind the forecoxae

Prosternum: sternum of the prothorax

Prothorax: the first thoracic segment, bearing the anterior legs but no wings

Pygidium: the tergum of the last visible segment of the abdomen

Sclerite: any plate of the body wall bounded by membrane or sutures

Sternite: a subdivision of a sternum, or any one of the sclerotic components of a definite sternum

Supplementary segment (males only): an additional ventral structure which appears as a round or oval disc inserted into the apex of the 5th ventrite

Tarsus: the leg segment attached to the apex of the tibia, bearing the pretarsus and consisting of from 1-5 tarsomeres (5 tarsomeres in Carpophilinae)

Tarsomere: subdivision or article of the tarsus, usually numbering from 2-5

Tergum: the upper or dorsal surface of any body segment of an insect, the large sclerite on the dorsal surface of an abdominal segment

Tergite: a dorsal sclerite or part of a segment, especially when such consists of a single sclerite

Tibia: the fourth segment of the leg, between the femur and the tarsus

Trochanter: a small segment of the insect leg between the coxa and the femur

Ventral: pertaining to the under surface of the abdomen, pertaining to the underside of the body

Ventrite: a visible abdominal sternite