The Ghana Groundnut Working Group, a gathering of stakeholders from across the peanut value chain, met for the third annual meeting in July.
Despite the global pandemic more than 50 people attended the two-day event, including participants were from research institutes, universities, the Regional Agricultural Development unit, the Ministry of Health and an NGO (GIZ/MOAP), as well as farmers, seed producers and aggregators.
Speakers presented the latest information on agronomy, crop protection, economics and health aspects of the peanut value chain.
Students also shared their work.
Participants agreed that the GGWG should attract more farmers to participate even it will require organisers to solicit funds.
The meeting was made available via Zoom, a feature that organisers agreed should be promoted in the future to allow those who can’t attend physically to join via the Internet.
“On the way forward with sustainability of the group, we put together a small committee to draft a constitution for the group. This will be the first step in getting us registered,” said Jerry Nboyine a research scientist at CSIR-Savanna Agricultural Research Institute who also serves as the leader of the GGWG steering committee.